Naslov (ara)

Magmu fi l-hadit as-sahih



Opis (srp)

U trećem veku islama (od 225/840 do otprilike 275/889), šest stručnjaka za hadis je sastavilo kratka dela u kojima je zabeleženo oko dve do pet hiljada izabranih hadisa za koje su smatrali da su najispravnije dokumentovani ili se u najširem smislu odnose na naučnu zajednicu muslimana. Tokom četvrtog i petog veka po hidžri, često je komentarisano tih šest dela. Pomoćna literatura je doprinela tome da se njihovom izučavanju napravi mesto za polznu tačku kod svih ozbiljnih studija o hadisu. Uz to, naročito su Buhari i Muslim tvrdili da prikupljaju samo najispravnije među ispravnim hadisima. Potonji naučnici su proveravali njihove tvrdnje i slagali se sa njima tako da se danas njihove zbirke smatraju najpouzdanijim zbirkama hadisa.

Opis (eng)

In the 3rd century of Islam (from 225/840 to about 275/889), six hadith experts composed brief works recording a selection of about two- to five-thousand such texts which they felt to have been most soundly documented or most widely referred to in the Muslim scholarly community. The 4th and 5th century saw these six works being commented on quite widely. This auxiliary literature has contributed to making their study the place of departure for any serious study of hadith. In addition, Bukhari and Muslim in particular, claimed that they were collecting only the soundest of sound hadiths. These later scholars tested their claims and agreed to them, so that today, they are considered the most reliable collections of hadith.






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