Naslov (tur)

Hudiyyatu l-ihwan wa atiyyatu s-sibyan


, Musa Efendi

Opis (abk)

Koreni sunitskog islama se nalaze u najstarijim sektaškim podelama koje su pogodile islamsku zajednicu odmah posle smrti proroka Muhameda. Posle Muhamedove smrti 632. godine, pred ranu islamsku zajednicu se odmah isprečilo pitanje ko će naslediti proroka kao duhovni i politički vođa zajednice. To je bilo važno pitanje pošto Muhamed nije ostavio živog muškog naslednika i nije ostavio nikakav sporazum o nasledniku.

Opis (eng)

The roots of Sunni Islam lie in the earliest sectarian divides that affected the Muslim community immediately after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. Following Muhammad's death in 632 C.E., the early Muslim community was immediately confronted with the question of who would succeed the prophet as the spiritual and political leader of the community. This was an important issue, since Muhammad had no living male heirs, and left no universally agreement upon successor.






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