Naslov (ara)

Gamiu s-shih: ar-rub at-talit


al-Buhari, Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Ismail

Opis (eng)

Shaykh al-Islam Abu Zakariyya al-Nawawi said in the 'Adhkar': "The ulama among the experts in hadith and the experts in law and others have said: it is permissible and (also) recommended that the religious practice (al-`amal) concerning good deeds and good character (al-fadâ'il), encouragement to good and discouragement from evil (al-targhibwa al-tarhib) be based (even) on weak hadith (bi al-hadith al- da`îf) as long as it is not forged (mawdu`)."

Opis (srp)

Šejhu l-islam Abu Zakarija an-Navavirekao je sledeće u deluAdkar: „Ulemameđustručnjacimazahadisi stručnjaciizoblastiprava i drugisurekli: Dozvoljeno je i (istotako) preporučuje se da se verskapraksa (al-amal) koja se tičedobrihdela i dobrogkaraktera (al-fadail), podsticanjanačinjenjedobra i odvraćanje od zla (at-targibva t-tarhib) zasniva (čak) i naslabomhadisu (bi l-hadit ad-daif) svedoknijefalsifikovan (mavdu).“






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