Naslov (ara)

Bal šurita malaka al-istinbar fi as-sahih...



Opis (srp)

Od devetog veka, moć tumačenja i usavršavanja prava u tradicionalnom islamskom društvu nalazila se u rukama naučnika (uleme). To odvajanje moći služilo je da se ograniči delokrug postupaka kojima raspolaže vladar, koji nije mogao lako da izda neki dekret ili da nezavisno rastumači pravo i da očekuje trajnu podršku zajednice. Tokom narednih vekova i država, ravnoteža između uleme i vladara se menjala i reformisala, ali ravnoteža vlasti nikada nije konačno promenjena. Godina izdavanja: 1619.

Opis (eng)

From the 9th century, the power to interpret and refine law in traditional Islamic societies was in the hands of the scholars (ulema). This separation of powers served to limit the range of actions available to the ruler, who could not easily decree or reinterpret law independently and expect the continued support of the community. Through succeeding centuries and empires, the balance between the ulema and the rulers shifted and reformed, but the balance of power was never decisively changed. Year of publishing: 1619.






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