Naslov (tur)

Šarh nasihati l-muslimin


al-Yenibazari, Muhammad


Niši, abd Allah ibn Muhammad

Opis (srp)

Osmansko carstvo, osnovano sredinom srednjeg veka, bilo je poslednje veliko sunitsko carstvo. (Ono je u stvari ukinulo instituciju halifata početkom dvadesetog veka.) Do kraja srednjeg veka, međutim, položaj halife bio je uglavnom počasan, za razliku od titule stvarnog političkog i duhovnog autoriteta. Uprkos velikoj predstavi univerzalne zajednice, koja se može pre odnositi na ideološki identitet nego na etnički ili politički, tokom istorije sunitskog islama, pojam zajednice bio je krajnje lokalnog tipa. Listovi odvojeni od poveza: 1-11. Godina izdavanja: 1755.

Opis (eng)

The Ottoman Empire, established in the high Middle Ages, was the last great Sunni empire. (It actually abolished the institution of the caliphate in the early 20th century.) By the late Middle Ages, however, the position of caliph was mainly honorific, as opposed to the title of a real political or spiritual authority. In spite of grand notions of universal community, which may pertain more to ideological identity than ethnic or political identity, throughout the history of Sunni Islam the concept of community has been fiercely local. Year of publishing: 1755.






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