Naslov (ara)

al-Islah ala l-idah


, Kemal paşa zade

Opis (eng)

In the later Middle Ages and into the early modern era, the notion of the Islamic community evolved with the political exigencies faced by various leaderships. The disintegration of the Islamic Empire began in the mid-8th century with the Abbasid revolution. Rival states, such as the Fatimids in Egypt, established in the mid-10th century, were established across geographical boundaries in what is usually referred to as the "Muslim Commonwealth." Some of these had distinct sectarian affiliations. Year of publishing: 1589/90.

Opis (srp)

U poznom periodu srednjeg veka i na početku savremenog doba, spominjanje islamske zajednice se odvijalo sa političkim potrebama na koje su nailazili razni predvodnici. Raspad islamskog carstva počeo je sredinom osmog veka posle abasidske revolucije. Suparničke države, poput fatimidske u Egiptu, osnovane sredinom desetog veka, podizane su na geografskim granicama unutar sveta koji se obično naziva islamski komonvelt. Neke od njih su pokazivale sektaške tendencije. Godina izdavanja: 1589/90.






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