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Al-Ihtiyar li šarh al-muhtar



Opis (eng)

As for the Book: It is al-Qur'aanul-Kareem (the Great Qur'aan), the Kalaam (Speech) of the Lord of the worlds, which was sent down by the Trustworthy Spirit upon the heart of Muhammad the Messenger of Allaah, that he may be fromthe warners to the whole of mankind - in the clear Arabic tongue - regarding all that they stand in need of with regards to what benefits them concerning their Religion and their world. The Book of Allaah is that which is recited by the tongues, written in the masaahif (copies), and preserved in the hearts. Year of publishing: 1462.

Opis (srp)

A što se tiče svete knjige, to je Časni Kuran (al-Kuranu l-karim), govor (kalam) gospodara svetova prenet na zemlju posredstvom poverljivog duha u srce Muhameda, Božjeg vesnika, da on može biti jedan od onih koji upozoravaju čitavo čovečanstvo, na jasnom arapskom jeziku, u vezi sa svime što smatraju potrebnim ili s obzirom na to šta im donosi korist vezano za religiju i njihov svet. Božja knjiga je ono što se glasno izgovara jezikom (organom govora), beleži u brojnim primercima (masahif) i čuva u srcima. Godina izdavanja: 1462.






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