Al-Hawaši l-mutawwaliyya
Čelebi, Hasan
The position or placement of verbs in Arabic sentences also differs from English. In Arabic the normal order of a verbal sentence is: Verb (first)-Subject (second)-Object of the Verb (third). Thus, the English sentence "The girl wrote the story," would be in Arabic literally: "Wrote-the girl-the story." This difference is often important for understanding how readers react to texts in Arabic, because this feature of Arabic syntax seems to create a tendency for people to see Arabic as a very"verbal" language, a perception that is reinforced by the fact that the simple Form I verbal root is considered to be the basic building block of word formation in Arabic. Thus sentences that begin with a word other than the verb, or sentences that use many qualifiers (words like adjectives) or in some other way focus on the subject or the object and not the verb, are felt to be deviating from the "norm" of standard Arabic syntax. Year of publishing: 1661.
Pozicija ili mesto glagola u arapskoj rečenici takođe se razlikuje od srpskog. U arapskom je normalan redosled u glagolskoj rečenici sledeći: glagol (prvi) - subjekat (drugi) - objekat glagola (treći). Tako bi srpska rečenica: 'Petar pije vodu', na arapskom doslovno ovako glasila: 'Pije Petar vodu.' Ova razlika je često važna za razumevanje načina na koji čitaoci reaguju na tekst na arapskom jer ova crta arapske sintakse izgleda da kod ljudi stvara stav kako je arapski izraženo glagolski jezik što je zapažanje na koje podstiče činjenica da se jednostavna prva glagolska forma smatra osnovom za tvorbu reči u arapskom. Tako rečenice koje počinju rečju koja nije glagol ili rečenice u kojima je upotrebljeno puno odrednica (reči poput prideva) ili na neki način pažnju posvećuju subjektu i objektu a ne glagolu, doživljavaju se kao odstupanje od norme standardne arapske sintakse. Godina izdavanja: 1661.
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