Kitab mutawwal
at-Taftazani, Sad ad-din
ibn al-Husayn, Abd Allah ibn Umar
Since the Koran is Arabic—a translation of the Koran is no longer the Koran—and since its rhetorical perfection functions as the miracle probative of Muhammad's prophetic status, reflection on language forms a major part of the Islamic sciences. There was a theological dispute about whether the Koran was eternal or created in time, and, since the Koran was in Arabic, the dispute entrained certain further disputes about the origin of language. Because the dispute had arisen out of concerns peculiar to Muslims, the ensuing dispute did not merely recapitulate discussions of antiquity. Year of publishing: 1805.
Pošto je Kuran na arapskom, prevod Kurana nije više Kuran i pošto njegovo retoričko savršenstvo funkcioniše kao čudo koje dokazuje Muhamedov proročki status, razmišljanje o jeziku sačinjava veći deo islamskih nauka. Vodile su se teološke rasprave o tome da li je Kuran večit ili je nastao u vremenu i pošto je Kuran na arapskom, ta rasprava je podstakla i druge rasprave o poreklu jezika. Pošto je rasprava započeta iz onoga što se muslimana posebno tiče, sledeća rasprava nije samo predstavljala rekapitulaciju rasprava iz davne prošlosti. Godina izdavanja: 1805.
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