, Hafiz Širazi
There is no definitive version of his collected works (or Dīvān); editions vary from 573 to 994 poems. In Iran, his collected works have come to be used as an aid to popular divination. Though Hāfez’s poetry is influenced by Islam, he is widely respected by Hindus, Christians and others. The Indian sage of Iranian descent Meher Baba, who syncretized elements of Sufism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Christian mysticism, recited Hāfez's poetry until his dying day. October 12 is celebrated as Hafez Day in Iran.Twenty years after his death, a tomb (the Hafezieh) was erected to honor Hafez in the Musalla Gardens in Shiraz. The current Mausolem was designed by André Godard, French archeologist and architect, in the late 1930s. Inside, Hafez's alabaster tombstone bore one of his poems inscribed upon it.
Ne postoji konačna verzija njegovih sabranih dela (Divana); razna izdanja variraju od 573 do 994 pesme. U Iranu se njegova sabrana dela koriste kao sredstvo narodnog verovanja. Iako je na Hafizovu poeziju uticao islam, on je naširoko uvažavan među hinduistima, hrišćanima i drugima. Indijski svetac iranskog porekla Meher Baba, koji je sinkretizovao elemente sufizma, hinduizma, zoroastrojanizma i hrišćanskog misticizma, recitovao je Hafizovu poeziju sve do svoje smrti. Dvanaesti oktobar se u Iranu slavi kao Hafizov dan. Dvadeset godina posle Hafizove smrti, u vrtovima Musala u Širazu u njegovu čast je podignuta grobnica (Hafezije). Postojeći mauzolej je krajem tridesetih godina dvadesetog veka osmislio Andre Godar, francuski arheolog i arhitekta. Unutra je na nadgrobnom spomeniku urezana jedna Hafizova pesma.
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