Naslov (tur)

Kitab-i Nida'î


, Nida'î

Opis (eng)

Different science disciplines were very developed in the Islamic world. Apart of astronomy, mathematics, engineering, and others, medicine had also had its very important role in their society. Persian doctors used very effective methods of treatment of the sick and for that purpose they had to develop their knowledge of human body. This is an Ottoman Turkish translation from Persian, written in rhymes, so typical for that time and culture. It is very interesting to note that scientific treatises used to be rhymed. Year of publishing: 1590/91.

Opis (srp)

U islamskom svetu su bile veoma razvijene razne naučne discipline. Osim astronomije, matematike, građevinarstva, i drugih, medicina je isto tako imala veoma značajnu ulogu u njihovom društvu. Lekari iz Persije su koristili veoma delotovrne metode lečenja bolesnih i u tu svrhu morali su da unaprede poznavanje ljudskog tela. Ovo je osmansko turski prevod sa persijskog, zapisan u rimi, što je tako tipično za to vreme i kulturu. Veoma je važno spomenuti da su se naučne studije obične zapisivale u formi rime. Godina izdavanja: 1590/91.






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