Naslov (tur)



ibn Yusuf, Utman

Opis (srp)

Poezija je imala važnu ulogu u pred islamskom periodu gde je pesnik ili šair ispunjavao ulogu istoričara, proroka i propagandiste. Reči koje slave pleme (kita) i pogrde koje omalovažavaju druga plemena (hidža) izgleda da su bile najomiljenije forme stare poezije. Šair je predstavljao ugled plemena pojedinca i važnost na Arabijskom poluostrvu dok su bitke ruganja kroz poeziju ili za džal korišćene umesto stvarnih ratova. Ukaz, trgovačko mesto nedaleko od Meke, imalo je ulogu domaćina festivala poezije koji su se redovno odigravali i gde su šairi pokazivali svoje veštine. Godina izdavanja: 1837.

Opis (eng)

Poetry held an important position in pre-Islamic society with the poet or sha'ir filling the role of historian, soothsayer and propagandist. Words in praise of the tribe (qit'ah) and lampoons denigrating other tribes (hija') seem to have been some of the most popular forms of early poetry. The sha'ir represented an individual tribe's prestige and importance in the Arabian peninsula, and mock battles in poetry or zajal would stand in lieu of real wars. 'Ukaz, a market town not far from Mecca, would play host to a regular poetry festival where the craft of the sha'irs would be exhibited. Year of publishing: 1837.






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