Ta‘rifu ‘ilmi l-fara’id
, Aš-Šayh` al-’Imam Sarag al-Milla wa d-Din Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd ar-Rašid as-Sagawandî
Ovo delo sa tematikom islamskog naslednog prava prepisano je krajem šesnaestog veka verovatno u Bitolju pošto je prepisivač dobio ime po mestu u kojem živi. To je još jedan metod određivanja mesta završetka određenih dela. Zanimljivo je spomenuti da je ovakvo delo bilo neophodno prepisati u oblasti prilično udaljenoj od Carigrada, središta apsolutne vlasti. Moglo bi se zaključiti da je tamo živeo izvestan broj muslimana.
This work with the matter of Islamic hereditary law was copied in the late XVI century probably in Bitola because its copyist had been nicknamed after the place of his living. That was a method of specifying place of accomplishment certain works. It is interesting to note that copying such manuscript was necessary in an area far away from Constantinople, the centre of absolute authority. It might lead to a conclusion that certain number of Muslims used to live there.
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