Naslov (srp)

Istraživanje uticaja strategijskih komunikacija na pozicioniranje korporativnog brenda


Krstović, Jelena


Filipović, Vinka, 1948-
Damnjanović, Vesna. 1979-
Gligorijević, Mirjana. 1965-

Opis (srp)

Poslovanje u savremenim uslovima podrazumeva upravljanje odnosima sa velikim brojem stejkholdera. Dobri odnosi sa njima postavljaju se kao jedan od primarnih ciljeva biznisa jer se stabilna poslovna mreža posmatra kao izuzetno važan kapital kompanije. Kako je komunikacija sastavni element svakog odnosa, tako su strategijske, odnosno korporativne komunikacije sastavni element upravljanja odnosima između kompanije i stejkholdera. One su usmerene na izgradnju i pozicioniranje korporativnog brenda što je u disertaciji potvrđeno. Uloga korporativnih komunikacija u upravljanju odnosima je integrisanje i upravljanje svim komunikacijama u kompaniji. Koncept korporativnog brenda je tema za koju su zainteresovani teoretičari i praktičari jer je dokazano da ima uticaja na poslovne rezultate i smatra se važnim izvorom održive konkurentnosti kompanija. Zato se i posmatra kao jedan od ključnih elemenata korporativne strategije. Pozicioniranje korporativnog brenda se u ovom kontekstu posmatra kao sveobuhvatni pristup kompanije u poređenju sa konkurencijom, odnosno šta stejkholderi misle o kompaniji i kako je vide u odnosu na konkurenciju. Uvidom u dostupnu literaturu u oblasti pozicioniranja i primene na korporativni brend, predmet analize u ovoj disertaciji su specifičnosti, vrste i okvir pozicioniranja korporativnog brenda. Nakon pregleda naučne i stručne literature i analize rezultata empirijskog istraživanja, postavljen je strateški okvir za upravljanje korporativnim komunikacijama u cilju pozicioniranja korporativnog brenda Empirijskim istraživanjem kreiran je model pozicioniranja korporativnog brenda i utvrđena mera CBPS (Corporate Brand Positioning Score).

Opis (srp)

Tehničke nauke / Menadžment Technical sciences / Management Datum odbrane: 16.12.2015.

Opis (eng)

Doing business in modern environment means managing relationships with a large number of stakeholders. Good relations with them are recognized as one of the primary goals of the business as a stable business network is seen as a very important capital of the company. As communication is an integral element of any relation, therefore strategic or corporate communications are seen as an integral element of the relations between the company and stakeholders. They are focused on building and positioning the corporate brand, and it is confirmed in the dissertation. The role of corporate communications in the management of relationships is to integrate and manage all communications in the company. The concept of corporate branding is a topic which both academics and practitioners are interested in, as it has been proven to have an impact on business results. It is considered as an important source of sustainable competitiveness and a key element of corporate strategy. Positioning of corporate brand, in this context, is seen as an overall company’s approach compared to the competition, or what stakeholders think about the company and how it is seen in relation to the competition. After reviewing the available literature in the field of positioning and its application in the corporate brand, a subject of this dissertation includes the specifics, types and framework of corporate brand positioning. Relying on the scientific and professional literature and analyzing the results of empirical research, a strategic framework for the management of corporate communications is set, for the purpose of positioning the corporate brand. With the empirical research author has created a model of corporate brand positioning and determined measure CBPS (Corporate Brand Positioning Score). The research determined and measured aspects of business affecting the corporate brand positioning among 7 citizens/ business community, levels of the impact of certain aspects of business to the corporate brand positioning and determined the structure of the model and measure corporate brand positioning among citizens/business community. It also identified the influence of demographic characteristics of citizens, or the characteristics of business community, on the intensity of the connection between the perception of certain aspects of business and corporate brand positioning. Research has shown that the perception of all defined components: Perception position, Attitude towards the company, Social responsibility, Management, Companies/Products, to a greater or lesser extent, influence on the positioning of the corporate brand among citizens in Serbia.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Menadžerske aktivnosti

strategic communications, corporate communications, corporate brand, stakeholder relations

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Menadžerske aktivnosti

strateške komunikacije, korporativne komunikacije, korporativni brend, odnosi sa stejkholderima