Naslov (ara)

Kitabu šarhi unmudhag min an-nahw


, Šams ad-Din ‘Abd al-Ganî al-’Irdiblî

Opis (srp)

Ovo je komentar prethodnog dela u obliku prepisa. Datum njegovog završetka je više od pola veka posle njega. Autor, koji je i prepisivač, poseduje veliko znanje arapskog jezika i ovo je način da pokaže autoritet na tom planu. Iako je arapski jezik bio široko rasprostranjen i dobro znan među muslimanima širom njihovog kulturnog područja, pravi znalci su bili retki pa su komentari, objašnjenja i praktično znanje uvek bili veoma dragoceni.

Opis (eng)

This is a commentary of the previous work in the form of a copy. The date of its accomplishment is more than a half a century later. The author, who is also a copyist, has a great knowledge of the Arabic language and this is a way he shows his authority in this field. Although Arabic was widespread and well known among Muslims all around their cultural world, the real scholars were rare, so commentaries, explanations and practical knowledge were always very precious.






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