Naslov (ara)

Hašiya ala muhtasar al-maani


, Al-Hata'i
ibn Hamza, Hasan

Opis (eng)

While the close links between logic and linguistic studies emerge in the Islamic philosophers' consideration of the subject matter of logic, the links between logic and epistemology come to the fore in the consideration of the divisions within logic and the order of the books within Aristotle's Organon. All the principal Islamic Aristotelians organize their understanding of the divisions of logic around the epistemological couplet of tasawwur (conceptualization), and tasdiq (assent), which constitute for them the two states of knowledge that logic aims to produce in the intellect. Year of publishing: 1679/80.

Opis (srp)

Dok među islamskim filozofima tokom razmatranja predmeta logike postoji tesna spona izmedu logike i lingvističkih studija, veze između logike i epistemologije dobijaju na značaju tokom razmatranja podele unutar logike i redosleda knjiga unutar Aristotelovog Organona. Svi glavni islamski sledbenici Aristotela organizuju razumevanje podele logike oko epistemološkog dvojca, tasavur (konceptualizacija) i tasdik (saglasnost), koji za njih predstavlja dva stadijuma znanja koja logika ima cilj da proizvede u umu. Godina izdavanja: 1679/80.






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