Naslov (tur)

Nuqtatu l-bayan


al-Arabi, Muhammad Nur


ibn al-Hagg Ya'qub al-Trizreni, Muhammad Kamil

Opis (srp)

S nadiranjem turskih naroda i arapski jezik je postepeno izgubio poziciju u islamskom svetu. U Seldžučkom carstvu i potom u Osmanskom carstvu jezik administracije postao je osmaski turski dok je persijski jezik koristila inteletualna elita u kulturne svrhe. Arapski je sveden na područje relgije iako je i dalje služio kao izvor hiljada pozajmica kako u persijskom tako i u turskom. Godina izdavanja: 1929.

Opis (eng)

With the advent of Turkic peoples Arabic gradually lost its position in the Islamic world as well. In the Seljuk Empire and later in the Ottoman Empire the language of administration became Ottoman Turkish, while Persian was the language used by the intellectual elite for cultural purposes. Arabic was relegated to the domain of religion, although it continued to serve as a source for thousands of loanwords in both Persian and Turkish. Year of publishing: 1929.






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