Kitab šarh muamma
al-Girasit, Muhammad
The first examples of Arabic literature in the full sense of the phrase are found only two centuries after Quran, at the time of the 'Biography of the Prophet'; that is, of the life of Mohammed as written by Ibn Hisham, who died in 828. We may thus establish that post-Quranic Arabic literature developed bydegrees, in the period following the work of al-Khalil bin Ahmad, who died in 786, the founder of Arabic lexicography (kitab al-ayn), and of Sibawayh, who died in 796, to whom the grammar of classical Arabic is due. The composition of the Quran was brought to an end in the year of the Prophet Mohammed's death, in 632. Year of publishing: 1466.
Prvi primeri arapske književnosti u punom smislu tog pojma javljaju se tek dva veka posle pojave Kurana, u vreme kada je napisana "Biografija Proroka", tj. Životopis Muhameda autora Ibn Hišama koji je umro 828. godine. Stoga bi se moglo pretpostaviti da se književnost posle pojave Kurana postepeno razvijala,u periodu posle dela Halila bin Ahmada, osnivača arapske leksikografije (kitab al-ayn) (umro 786) i Sibavajha (umro 796) koji je zaslužan za gramatiku klasicnog arapskog jezika. Kuran je potpuno završen u godini kada je Prorok umro, 632. Godina izdavanja: 1466.
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