Kitab awarif al-maarif fi t-tasawwuf
as-Suhrawardi, Šahab ad-din abu Hafas Umar ibn Muhammad ibn abd Allah
, Abu Talib abd as-Salam
Ovo je najstariji rukopis u zbirci orijentalnih rukopisa u Univerzitetskoj biblioteci u Beogradu. Njegovo stanje je veoma dobro, čitljiv je, lepo ukrašen. Tema ove knjige je sufijski vodič za pravila ustanovljenih u jednom derviškom redu. Osnivač tog reda bio je autorov stric. Red je osnovan u Bagdadu, tadašnjem kulturnom i političkom centru. Zanimljivo je napomenuti da je autor bio živ dok je trajao proces prepisa ovog rukopisa. Može se pretpostaviti da je on obavljen pod njegovim nadzorom. Shodno tome,može se smatrati verodostojnim prepisom. Godina izdavanja: 1206.
This is the oldest manuscript in the collection of Islamic manuscripts in the University Library in Belgrade. It is in very well condition, readable, nicely decorated. The matter of this book is a Sufi guide for rules establishedin a dervish order. The founder of this order was an author's uncle. The order was established in Bagdad, the culture and political centre of that time. It is interesting to note that the author was still alive during the period of copying this manuscript. It can be presumed that it was done under his own supervision. Therefore it can be considered as an authentic copy. Year of publishing: 1206.
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