Hayatu l-haywan : al-guz at-talit
, Kamal ad-din
Leksikon tako tipičan za svestrano intereresovanje autora u islamskom svetu. Ovo je treći tom tog dela sa jedinicama uređenim po redosledu slova u arapskom alfabetu. Životinje su temeljno opisane sa određenim osobinama svojstvenim svakoj od njih. Ovo delo bi se moglo smatrati dobrom studijom životinja, možda zanimljivim i današnjim naučnicima. Mogla bi se proceniti kao kvalitetna naučna studija. Godina izdavanja: 1372.
A lexicon so typical for manysided interests of authors in the Islamic world. This is the third volume of that work with entries ordered according to alphabetic order of the Arabic alphabet. The animals have been described thoroughly with certain features peculiar to each of them. This work could be considered as a good study of animals, maybe interesting for nowadays scientists, as well. It could be appreciated as a well done scientific study. Year of publishing: 1372.
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