Muslim historical traditions first began developing from the earlier 7th century with the reconstruction of Muhammad's life following his death. Because narratives regarding Muhammad and his companions came from various sources, it was necessary to verify which sources were more reliable. In order to evaluate these sources, various methodologies were developed, such as the "science of biography", "science of hadith" and "Isnad" (chain of transmission). These methodologies were later applied to other historical figures in the Muslim world. Ilmar-Rijal (Arabic) is the "science of biography" especially as practiced in Islam, where it was first applied to the sira, the life of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, and then the lives of the four Rightly Guided Caliphs who expanded Islamic dominance rapidly.
Islamska istoriografska tradicijia počela je da se razvija od početka sedmog veka rekonstrukcijom Muhamedovog života posle njegove smrti. Pošto su priče o Muhamedu i njegovim saborcima poticale iz raznih izvora, bilo je potrebno potvrditi koji su izvori pouzdaniji. Razvijene su razne metodologije za procenu tih izvora, kao što su nauka o biografiji, nauka hadisa i isnad (lanac prenosa). Takva metodologija je kasnije primenjena na druge istorijske ličnosti u islamskom svetu. Ilmar-ridžal je nauko o biografiji, naročito primenjivana u islamu gde je u početku primenjena na siru, život proroka islama Muhameda i potom na život četiriju pravovernih halifa koji su brzo širili islamsku prevlast.
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