Šarh al-aqaid
at-Taftazani, Nagm ad-din abu Hafas Umar ibn Muhammad
ibn Qasim ibn Haggi Murad, Mahdi
Bog je doprineo tome da se neki vesnici istaknu u odnosu na druge 2:253 i u suri Al-Ahzab 33:40. On ističe Muhameda kao "poslednjeg proroka". U Kuranu se Muhamed spominje i kao Ahmad "onaj ko je više hvaljen" (arapski: sura As-Saf 61:6). Pošto je Muhamed bio izuzetno uticajna istorijska ličnost, njegov život, postupci i misli su vekovima predmet rasprava među sledbenicima i suparnicima što u znatnoj meri otežava pisanje njegove biografije. Kuran je najvažniji izvor informacija za islam. To je središnje religijsko delo islama i muslimani veruju da predstavlja reč Boga koja je posredstvom Gavrila otkrivena Muhamedu. Iako se u Kuranu Muhamed spominje svega četiri puta, postoje stihovi koji se mogu protumačiti kao aluzije na njegov život. Sledeća po značaju jesu dela autora iz trećeg i četvrtog veka islamske ere. Ona podrazumeva tradicionalne islamske biografije Muhamedovog života (literatura sira) što pružaju dodatne informacije o Muhamedovom životu. Godina izdavanja: 1447.
God has caused some messengers to excel above others 2:253 and in Sura Al-Ahzab 33:40 He singles out Muhammad as the "Seal of the Prophets". The Quran also refers to Muhammad as Amad "more praiseworthy" (Arabic: Sura As-Saff 61:6). Muhammad being a highly influential historical figure, his life, deeds, and thoughts have been debated by followers and opponents over the centuries, which makes a biography of him difficult to write. The Quran is the primary source of information for Islam. It is the central religious text of Islam and Muslims believe it represents the words of God revealed to Muhammad through Gabriel. Although it mentions Muhammad directly only four times, there are verses which can be interpreted as allusions to Muhammad's life. Next in importance are historical works by writers of the 3rd and 4th centuries of the Muslim era. These include the traditional Muslim biographies of Muhammad (the sira literature), which provide further information on Muhammad's life. Year of publishing: 1447.
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