Naslov (ara)

An-Nasih wa l-mansuh


, Aš-Šayh


al-Wahab, Hasan

Opis (eng)

A mufassir should have the knowledge of the science of recitation of the Qur'an, Ilm al-Tajwid. He should know the Ilm al-Hadith to recognize that which is Mubhem, ambiguous, and to elaborate on that which is Mujamil, brief or abridged. He must have studied thoroughly the various schools of thought, Ilm al-Fiqh. The Mufassir should have knowledge of Asbab al-Nuzul, reasons for the revelation of the different verses and should have knowledge about the theory of abrogation of verses of the Qur'an, al-Nasikhwa al-Mansukh. Year of publishing: 1603/04.

Opis (srp)

Mufasir bi trebalo da raspolaže znanjem nauke o glasnom izgovaranju Kurana (ilm at-tadžvid). Trebalo bi da poznaje ilm al-hadit (tradiciju proroka Muhameda) da bi prepoznao ono što je mubhem, nejasno i da razradi ono što je mudžamil, kratko ili skraćeno. Morao je da temeljno izučava razne škole misli (ilm al-fikh). Mufasir bi trebalo da raspolaže znanjem asbab an-nuzul, razlozima otkrovenja raznih stihova i trebalo bi zna o teoriji opoziva stihova Kurana (an-nasihua l-mansuh). Godina izdavanja: 1603/04.






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