Ala l-mašariq
ibn al-Malak, Abd al-Satif ibn abd al-Aziz
ibn Utman Efendi, Ahmad
The hadith collections are accounts of the verbal and physical traditions of Muhammad that date from several generations after his death. Hadith compilations are records of the traditions or sayings of Muhammad. They might be defined as the biography of Muhammad perpetuated by the long memory of his community for their exemplification and obedience. Western academics view the hadith collections with caution as accurate historical sources. Although usually discounted by historians, oral tradition plays a major role in the Islamic understanding of Muhammad. Year of publishing: 1753.
Zbirke hadisa predstavljaju izvor usmene i fizičke tradicije Muhameda što potiče od nekoliko pokolenja posle njegove smrti. Kompilacije hadisa jesu beleške o tradicije i izrekama Muhameda. Mogle bi se definisati kao biografija Muhameda koja se održala dugotrajnim sećanjem njegove zajednice i zbog njihove primernosti i poslušnosti. Zapadni naučnici gledaju na zbirke hadisa sa oprezom kao na verodostojne istorijske izvore. Iako je istoričari obično odbacuju, usmena tradicija igra glavnu ulogu u islamskom razumevanja Muhameda. Godina izdavanja: 1753.
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