Naslov (tur)

Targamatu s-Sarragiyya bi t-turki


ibn al-Hagg Ahmad al-Gani, Abd al-Satif


ibn Ali, Muhammad

Opis (eng)

The Quran does not expressly state the share of the male agnate relatives as such, although it does enact that the share of the male is twice that of a female. The Sunni jurists take the view that the intention of the Quranic injunctions was not to completely replace the old customary agnatic system entirely but merely to modify it with the objective of improving the position of female relatives. The Sunni Islamic law of inheritance is therefore, an amalgamation of the Quranic law superimposed upon the old customary law to form a complete and cohesive system. Year of publishing: 1584/85.

Opis (srp)

Kuran ne govori direktno o delu nasleđa muških potomaka po očevoj liniji mada jasno određuje da je deo muškog potomka dva puta veći od ženskog. Sunitski pravnici drže se stanovišta da namera kuranskih propisa nije bila da se potpuno zameni stari običajni nasledni sistem već samo da se on preuredi sa ciljem da se poboljša položaj rođaka preminulog. Sunitsko islamsko nasledno pravo stoga predstavlja stapanje kuranskog prava nametnutog na staro običajno pravo kako bi se obrazovao potpuni i kohezivni sistem. Godina izdavanja: 1584/85.






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