Naslov (ara)

Talhis al-miftah


al-Qazwini, Galal ad-din


ibn Murad, Husayn

Opis (srp)

Obuhvatanje retoričkog i poetičkog silogizma odražava zajedničku pretpostavku među islamskim filozofima da su Aristotelova dela Retorika i Poetika delovi logičkog Organona. Tu pretpostavku je islamska tradicija nasledila od grčkih komentatora i oni su je delimično koristili da bi dobili objašnjenje za razlike izmedu filozofskih i običnih vidova iskaza i argumentacije, a delimično u kontekstu rasprava o odnosima između filozofije i religije. Godina izdavanja: 1376.

Opis (eng)

The inclusion of rhetorical and poetical syllogisms reflects a common assumption among Islamic philosophers that Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics are parts of his logical Organon. This assumption was inherited by the Islamic tradition from the Greek commentators, and it was used by them in part to account for the differences between philosophical and popular modes of discourse and argumentation, particularly in the context of discussions of the relations between philosophy and religion. Year of publishing: 1376.






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