Naslov (ara)

Masail mutafarriqa fi l-faraid



Opis (eng)

The property of a deceased Muslim is applicable, in the first place, to the payment of his funeral expenses; secondly, to the discharge of his debts; and thirdly, to the payment of legacies as far as one-third of the residue. The remaining two-thirds, with so much of the third as is not absorbed by legaciesare the patrimony of the heirs. A Muslim is therefore disabled from disposing of more than a third of his property by will. Year of publishing: 1790.

Opis (srp)

Imovina preminulog muslimana se, pre svega, koristi za plaćanje troškova sahrane, zatim za otplatu dugova i na kraju za isplatu nasleđa u iznosu ne većem od jedne trećine ostatka imovine. Preostale dve trećine, zajedno sa jednom trećinom koja nije utrošena na ostatak imovine, predstavljaju zaostavštinu naslednika. Musliman je stoga onemogućen da svojevoljno raspolaže većom količinom od jedne trećine vlastite imovine. Godina izdavanja: 1790.






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