Kitab al-Galali fi šuruh faraid as-Sarragi
, Al-Galali
Nasledno pravo ima uporište u Kuranu. Najstariji autoritet u domenu tradicije po pitanju nasleđivanja jeste Zajsibn Tabit i današnji zakon je uglavnom sastavljen na osnovu njegovih izreka koje su zabeležene u hadisima. Ne postoji neka značajna razlika između sunitskog i šiitskog zakona u vezi sa ovim pitanjem. Najveći autoritet među prethodnim knjigama jeste delo Siradžija autora Siradžudina Muhameda, napisana 600. A.H. (početak XIII veka). Godina izdavanja: 1518.
The law of inheritance has its foundation in the Quran. The earliest authorityin the Traditions on the subject of inheritance is ZaydibnThabit and the present law is chiefly collected from his sayings, as recorded in the Hadiths. There are no very important differences between the Sunni and Shia law with reference to this question. The highest authority among the former isthe book As-Sirajjiya by Siraju d-din Muhammad, written in 600 A.H. (beginning of XIII century). Year of publishing: 1518.
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