Naslov (tur)

Atmar al-hadaiq


ibn al-Hagg Muhammad Ali ibn Umar al-Kunahi, Mustafa aš-Šukri

Opis (srp)

Pošto je procena verodostojnosti Muhamedovih izreka glavna oblast izučavanja (isnad), tačna biografija je uvek imala najveći značaj islamskim biografima koji su u skladu sa tim nastojali da izvuku činjenice iz optužbi, predrasude od dokaza, itd. Savremena praksa naučnog navođenja i istorijskog metoda duguje puno toga strogoj tradiciji isnada na početku islama. Najstarija sačuvana islamska biografija jeste Ibn Ishakova Siratura sul Alah (Biografija Božjeg proroka) napisana u osmom veku, ali nama poznata tek iz kasnijih navoda i recenzija (9-10. vek). Nauka o hadisu predstavlja proces kojim se islamski naučnici služe da bi procenili verodostojnost hadisa. Klasifikaciju hadisa na sahih (valjan), hasan (dobar) i daif (slab) cvrsto je uspostavio Aliibn al-Madini (161-234. A.H.). Godina izdavanja: 1850.

Opis (eng)

Since validating the sayings of Muhammad is a major study ("Isnad"), accurate biography has always been of great interest to Muslim biographers, who accordingly attempted to sort out facts from accusations, bias from evidence, etc. Modern practices of scientific citation and historical method owe a great deal to the rigor of the Isnad tradition of early Muslims. The earliest surviving Islamic biography is Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah, written in the 8th century, but known to us only from later quotes and recensions (9th-10th century). The "science of hadith" is the process that Muslim scholars use to evaluate hadith. The classification of Hadith into Sahih (sound), Hasan (good) and Da'if (weak) was firmly established by Ali ibn al-Madini (161-234 AH). Year of publishing: 1850.






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