Naslov (ara)

Mušahadatu t-tawhid


al-Arabi al-Uskubi, Muhamamd Nur

Opis (srp)

Osnovna jedinica islamskog društva jeste porodica a islam određuje obaveze i prava članova porodice. Otac se smatra finansijski odgovornim za sovju porodicu i obavezan je da podmiruje njihove potrebe zarad blagostanja. Podela nasledstva je određena u Kuranu gde se tvrdi da najveći deo imovine sleduje najbližim članovima porodice dok se jedan deo odvaja za isplatu duga i zaveštanje.. Uz neke izuzetke, ženin deo nasledstva je uobičajeno polovina dela muškarca sa istim pravom nasleđivanja. Brak u islamu je građanski ugovor koji se sastoji od ponude i prihvatanja između dve kvalifikovane strane u prisustvu svedoka. Od mladoženje se zahteva da plati mladoj bračni poklon (mahr), kao što je zaključeno u ugovoru.

Opis (eng)

The basic unit of Islamic society is the family, and Islam defines the obligations and legal rights of family members. The father is seen as financially responsible for his family, and is obliged to cater for their well-being. The division of inheritance is specified in the Qur'an, which states that most of it is to pass to the immediate family, while a portion is set aside for the payment of debts and the making of bequests. With some exceptions, the woman's share of inheritance is generally half of that of a man with the same rights of succession. Marriage in Islam is a civil contract which consists of an offer and acceptance between two qualified parties in the presence of two witnesses. The groom is required to pay a bridal gift (mahr) to the bride, as stipulated in the contract






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