Naslov (xxx)



, Gami

Opis (srp)

Ovo delo je imitacija Sadijevog Gulistana. Ovu knjigu je napisao za svog sina, Zija-e dina Jusefa. Klasično persijsko delo sa mističnim sadržajem. Džami je živeo od 1414-1492. n.e. Iznad svega, bio je izvanredan pesnik - teolog, pripadnik škole Ibn Arabija i član sufijskog reda Hvadžagani. Nekoliko godina posle njegovog rođenja, njegova porodica se preselila u Herat, gde je stekao obrazovanje na univerzitetu Nizamija. Imao je vodeću ulogu na dvoru Tinurida baveći se politikom, privredom, religijom i persijskom kulturom. Godina izdavanja: 1760/61.

Opis (eng)

The work is an imitation of the Saadi's Gulistan. This book was written for his son, Ziya-e din Yusef. A classical Persian work with mystical matter. Jami lived from 1414-1492 AD. He was primarily an oustanding poet-theologian of Ibn Arabi's school and a member of Khwajagani Sufi order. Several years after his birth his family moved to Herat, where he gained an education at the Nizamiyya university. He had a leading role on the Timurid court, involved in politics, economy, religion and Persian culture. Year of publishing: 1760/61.




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