Kitab maqalat šaqiq wa šarhuha
ibn Ahmad ibn al-Hagg Musalli, Muhammad
After the Arab conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 711 AD, the influence of the Arabic language spread beyond the border of the Islamic world. Due to its role as the language in which Greek philosophy and science were transmitted, European scholars came to regard Arabic as the language of culture and scholarship. A large amount of translations of Arabic texts circulated in Western Europe and through the contact with Arab culture in al-Andalus many loanwords, such as algebra, algorithm, alchemy, sugar, artichoke and admiral, entered the European language. Year of publishing: 1703.
Pošto su Arapi osvojili Iberijsko poluostrvo 711. god. n.e, uticaj arapskog jezika se proširio izvan granica islamskog sveta. Zahvaljujući ulozi jezika, posredstvom kojeg su prenete grčka filozofija i nauka, evropski učenjaci su počeli da smatraju arapski jezikom kulture i učenosti. Zapadnom Evropom je kružio veliki broj prevoda arapskih tekstova i zahvaljujući dodiru sa arapskom kulturom u Andaluziji, u evropske jezike su ušle mnoge pozajmice, poput algebre, algoritma, alhemije, šećera, artičoke i admirala. Godina izdavanja: 1703.
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