Naslov (ara)

Kitab garaib al-bayan ala tuhfati l-ihwan


al-Mahdi, Fayd Allah

Opis (eng)

The revelations (or Ayah, lit. "Signs of God")—which Muhammad reported receiving until his death—form the verses of the Quran, regarded by Muslims as the “Word of God” and around which the religion is based. Besides the Quran, Muhammad’s life (sira) and traditions (sunnah) are also upheld by Muslims. They discuss Muhammad and other prophets of Islam with reverence, adding the phrase peace be upon him whenever their names are mentioned. While conceptions of Muhammad in medieval Christendom and premodern times were largely negative, appraisals in modern history have been far less so. His life and deeds have been debated and criticized by followers and opponents over the centuries. Year of publishing: 1855.

Opis (srp)

Otkrovenja (ili aja, doslovno „Božji znaci“), koja je Muhamed preneo sve do smrti, obrazuju stihove Kurana koji muslimani smatraju rečju Božjom i na kojem se religija zasniva. Osim Kurana, muslimani se oslanjaju i na Muhamedov život (sira) i tradiciju (suna). Oni se odnose prema Muhamedu i drugim prorocima islama sa poštovanjem dodajući posle njegovog imena, kad god bi ga spomenuli, frazu koja glasi „mir s njime“. Dok su predstave Muhameda u srednjovekovnom hrišćanstvu i dobu pre savremenog bile u najvećoj meri negativne, procene u savremenoj istoriji su daleko pozitivnije. Njegov život i postupci su vekovima predmet rasprava i kritika koje vode sledbenici i protivnici. Godina izdavanja: 1855.






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