, Šahidi
Historically, Ottoman Turkish was transformed in three eras: EskiOsmanlıTürkçesi (Old Ottoman Turkish): The version of Ottoman Turkish used until 16th century. It was almost identical with the Turkish used by Seljuks and Anatolian beyliks, thus often regarded as part of EskiAnadoluTürkçesi (Ancient Anatolian Turkish). OrtaOsmanlıTürkçesi (Middle Ottoman Turkish) or KlasikOsmanlıca (Classical Ottoman Turkish): Language of poetry and administration from 16th century until Tanzimat. This is the version of Ottoman Turkish that comes to most people's minds. YeniOsmanlıTürkçesi (New Ottoman Turkish): Shaped from 1850s to 20th century under influence of journalism and Western-oriented literature.
Eski Osmanlı Türkçesi (stari osmanski turski): verzija osmanskog turskog koja je korišćena do šesnaestog veka. Bio je gotovo identičan turskom koji su koristili Seldžuci i anadolski bejlici pa se često smatra delom Eski Anadolu Türkçesi (drevnog anadolskog turskog). Orta Osmanlı Türkçesi (srednji osmanski turski) ili Klasik Osmanlıca (klasični osmanski turski): jezik poezije i administracije od šesnaestog veka sve do tanzimata. To je verzija osmanskog turskog na koje ljudi najčešće misle. Yeni Osmanlı Türkçesi (novi osmanski turski): formiran od polovine devetnaestog veka do dvadesetog veka pod uticajem novinarstva i književnosti okrenute zapadu.
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