Kitabu pandi Attar
Abū Hamīd bin Abū Bakr Ibrāhīm (1145-6 - c. 1221; Pers: ابو حمید ابن ابوبکر ابراهیم), better known by his pen-names Farīdud-Dīn (فریدالدین) and ‘Attār (عطار - "the perfumer"), was a PersianMuslim poet, theoretician of Sufism, and hagiographer from Nīshāpūr who had an abiding influence on Persian poetry and Sufism.Information about Attar's life is rare. He is mentioned by only two of his contemporaries, `Awfi and Tusi. However, all sources confirm that he was from Nishapur, a major city of medieval Khorasan (now located in the northeast of Iran), and according to `Awfi, he was a poet of the Seljuq period. It seems that he was not well known as a poet in his own lifetime, except at his home town, and his greatness as a mystic, a poet, and a master of narrative was not discovered until the 15th century.`Attar was probably the son of a prosperous chemist, receiving an excellent education in various fields. While his works say little else about his life, they tell us that he practiced the profession of pharmacy and personally attended to a very large number of customers. The people he helped in the pharmacy used to confide their troubles in `Attar and this affected him deeply. Eventually, he abandoned his pharmacy store and traveled widely - to Baghdad, Basra, Kufa, Mecca, Medina, Damascus, Khwarizm, Turkistan, and India, meeting with Sufi Shaykhs - and returned promoting Sufi ideas.
Abu Hamid bin Abu Bakr Ibrahim (1145-6 - 1221; pers: ابو حمید ابن ابوبکر ابراهیم), poznatiji po autorskim pseudonimima Faridud-Din (فریدالدین) i Atar (عطار–trgovac mirisima), bio je persijski muslimanski pesnik, teoretičar sufizma i hagiograf iz Nišapura koji je imao postojani uticaj na persijsku poeziju i sufizam. Raspolažemo malim brojem podataka o Atarovom životu. Spominju ga samo dvojica savremenika Avfi i Tusi. Međutim, svi izvori potvrđuju da je bio iz Nišapura, velikog grada u srednjovekovnom Horasanu (sada se nalazi u severoistočnom Iranu) i na osnovu Avfija, on je bio pesnik iz seldžučkog perioda. Izgleda da tokom života nije bio čuven kao pesnik, osim u svom rodnom gradu, i sve do petnaestog veka nije otkrivena njegova veličina mistika, pesnika i majstora pripovedanja. Dok njegova dela ne kazuju ništa više o njegovom životu, ona govore o tome da se bavio farmacijom i da se lično starao o velikom broju mušterija. Ljudi, kojima je pomagao u apoteci, umeli su Ataru da povere svoje tegobe i to ga je duboko pogađalo. Najzad, napustio je svoju apoteku i otisnuo se na dalek put – u Bagdad, Basru, Kufu, Meku, Medinu, Damask, Horezm, Turkistan i Indiju gde se susreo s šejhovima, sufijama, i vratio se šireći sufijske ideje.
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