Naslov (ara)

Šarhuha (Šarh abyat al-mutawassat)



Opis (srp)

Klasičan arapski je jezik Kurana. Arapski je tesno povezan sa islamskom religijom jer je Kuran napisan na tom jeziku, ali ga, isto tako, govore i arapski hrišćani, mizraški Jevreji i irački Mandejci. Većina muslimana na svetu ne govori arapski kao maternji jezik, ali veliki broj njih ume da čita kuranski tekst i da ga glasno izgovara. Među nearapskim muslimanima prevodi Kurana su često propraćeni originalnim tekstom. Neki muslimani su zagovornici monogeneze jezika i tvrde da je arapski jezik Bog otkrio zarad dobra čovečanstva i izvorni jezik kao prototip simboličkog sistema komunikacije zasnovan na sistemu trokonsonantskih korena, kao sredstva sporazumevanja među ljudima, iz kojeg su proistekli svi drugi jezici što su se u početku iskvarili.

Opis (eng)

Classical Arabic is the language of the Qur'an. Arabic is closely associated with the religion of Islam because the Qur'an is written in the language, but it is nevertheless also spoken by Arab Christians, Mizrahi Jews and Iraqi Mandaeans. Most of the world's Muslims do not speak Arabic as their native language but many can read the Quranic script and recite the Qur'an. Among Non-Arab Muslims, translations of the Qur'an are most often accompanied by the original text.Some Muslims present a monogenesis of languages and claim that the Arabic language was the language revealed by God for the benefit of mankind and the original language as a prototype symbolic system of communication, based upon its system of triconsonantal roots, spoken by man from which all other languages were derived, having first been corrupted.






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